just for u...
*for ALLAH
*for umi
*for family
*for YOU.....Fatin az zahra

Saturday, March 12, 2011

korang x rase pelik ke..

korang x rase pelik ke...
apesal orang yg korang syg sebelum nih ..
ko maki2...
ko hina..
to break padahal sebelum tuh ..
korang penah ucap i love u..
korang penah janji..
korang kate sehidup semati..
pastu ..
bile ade problem....
care korang nak solve the problem is by argue..
for what? what we can gain after we have an argue with each other...
we all knows that .. both man and woman..
have different type of ego...
but ..
do we need to keep our ego  let go the chance that we never had??
suddenly a serius relationship goin to break with each other..
is that the ways that they  to be with relationship??
can u imagine for a second... 
when u'r already in marriage..

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